Partonomy list P3, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

layers of bronchiolus of lung

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Current level layers of bronchiolus of lung
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Short official Latin term
16165 tax
layers of bronchiolus of lung
laminae bronchioli pulmonis
adventitia layer of bronchiolus of lung
tunica adventitia bronchioli pulmonis
muscular layer of bronchiolus of lung
tunica muscularis bronchioli pulmonis
mucous layer of bronchiolus of lung
tunica mucosa bronchioli pulmonis
86630 16170 tax
proper layer of mucosa of bronchiolus of lung
lamina propria mucosae bronchioli pulmonis
16171 tax
epithelial layer of mucosa of bronchiolus of lung
lamina epithelialis mucosae bronchioli pulmonis
6 lines
83.3 %
83.3 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 16165
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 5
Number of children 5 (validated)
Proper units 6
Number of units 6 (validated)
Signature 4033 (validated since 13.11.2024)
Date: 13.11.2024